Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Week 12

This last week before Christmas we are doing some more testing on the magnets. We have burned a resistance of 100v (again) and it has burned again, this time with smoke, so we had to quickly turn of the power supply for safety. The magnet works pretty well though without any resistance, however it overloads to fast and we can only reach 5v, need to solve it thought....

With a resistance of 1000 and the one of 560 the magnet don't work at all so we weren´t able to solve it by using a higher resistance.

We are trying to use a new machine that can vary the amount of resistance, it will be better than trying all resistor (and we will not risk burning them). We are hoping that this doesn't burn either!

                                     (Burned resistor, as you can see, now useless)